講座大師 - 第二十三屆 |
周美吟 |
Quantum 2.0: The Second Quantum Revolution in the 21st Century 量子2.0: 本世紀的第二次量子革命 |
HThere was a first quantum revolution in physics in the beginning of the 20th century that discovered that the physical laws governing electrons, atoms, and other tiny objects are completely different from what we are familiar with in classical physics. The underlying quantum laws seem to defy our common sense, but the predictions were verified by rigorous experiments, and various applications have been demonstrated. The subsequent development in many fields of sciences and technologies created lasers, magnetic resonance imaging, transistors, computers, superconductors, etc. and changed human lives in the 20th century in an unprecedented way.
At the end of the 20th century, it became clear that one could further exploit quantum entanglement, the “weird” properties of information encoded in quantum systems with interesting new applications. Based on “quantum bits (Qubits)”, quantum computers will be able to solve previously intractable problems, with far-reaching impact in cryptology, sciences, and technologies. In October 2019, a team at Google announced that they had made a programmable quantum computer with a 53-qubit processor that outperformed the most powerful conventional computers in a specific task. This represents a milestone in quantum computing and signals the beginning of quantum 2.0, the second quantum revolution. In this talk, I will give an introduction to the background of recent developments and exciting future outlooks.
The Past, Present, and Future of Nanomaterial Research 奈米材料的過去、現在、與未來 |
After the discovery of quantum mechanics in the 20th century, the development and applications of advanced materials have become important research areas with tremendous impact. Many of the key materials have entered the nanoscale, namely, the relevant dimension is of the order of 10-9 meters. In this length scale, we need to use quantum physics to describe the properties of materials. It is believed that nanomaterials will continue to play a critical role in the development of future technologies. In this talk, I will explain the importance of quantum physics at the nanoscale and introduce the recent developments of nanomaterials, especially those one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems.